Customer First
Customer obsessed.
Powering our customer’s worlds.
People, passionate about service.
Connecting with our customers by deeply understanding their evolving needs. -
EMpowering Our People
Energised and engaged.
Trust our people, and build trust with our stakeholders.
Listening deeply to one another.
Create a sense of belonging.
Keep people informed. -
Honey For Bees
Attract & retain the best people.
Employer of choice.
Wealth of experience and expertise.
Diverse workforce.
Right people in the right roles to ensure the most effective team. -
Pat On The Back
Celebrate outstanding achievements.
Work and win in teams.
Appreciate each team members efforts
Share our success stories. -
Be Brave
Speak Up.
Open to new ideas.
Encourage input.
An environment where you can voice your opinion.
Communicate openly.
Be brave and share ideas. -
Nourish Me
Personal growth opportunities.
I own my own personal development.
Career growth opportunities.
Coach and mentor.
Stretch objectives in line with personal and company goals (Win-Win). -
Michelin Star Service
Service excellence.
Quality service, quality products.
Efficient and professional.
Getting it right the first time.
Adaptable and agile but able to repeat it tomorrow the same way.
Create a personal experience. -
Keep It Simple
Keep it super simple. -
Salut-Shin Focussed
Solution focussed.
Think like a partner, not an order taker.
Deliver sustainable solutions to the end-user.
Ask questions about the problems faced by our customers and stakeholders.
Make a real, lasting difference.
Breaking Promises
All talk, no action.
False guarantees.
Not fulfilling our commitments.
Not following up.
Over promise, under deliver. -
Poor communication.
Not sharing important information with the teams.
Too many apps and platforms can create confusion.
Keeping others in the dark.
Not communicating effectively, clearly and simply. -
Left Out In The Cold
Not supporting our people.
Allowing our people to feel undervalued.
Lack of care.
Not investing time and energy in employee development.
Unrealistic expectations of staff. -
Judgmental of others.
Unequal treatment.
Unfair recognition. -
Oh Crumbs!
Out of stock.
Inadequate information from the market.
Inaccurate reporting and poor planning.
Ineffective replenishment.
Incomplete stock range. -
Ignoring Big Issues
Not having the hard conversations.
Recurring issues that don’t get addressed.
Indecisive and slow to act.
Turning a blind eye. -
Running On Empty
Insufficient resources.
Poor technical / product support.
Slow recruiting.
Personal growth not in line with company growth. -
The Divide
Silos / Us & them.
Lack of alignment.
Pulling in different directions.
No collaboration.
Politics and gossip.
Not seeking opinions from others. -
Finger Pointing
Not taking ownership.
“It’s not my job”.
Making excuses.
Poor handoffs to other people and teams.